Mothersblog.gr addressed juvenile violence and delinquency
Mothersblog.gr, the most reliable site for all modern parents, addressed the subject of juvenile violence and delinquency, aiming at deepening the discussion on this complex social matter.
The phenomenon of juvenile delinquency and violence reflects the deadlocks of society and is expressed in the most tragic way, as both victims and perpetrators are underaged children. For this purpose, Mothersblog.gr created a special tribute that hosted a series of experts’ articles, aiming to highlight the causes, consequences and above all, the ways to deal with this sensitive matter. This effort attempts to inform and raise awareness among the Greek public, and especially parents and educators, regarding the handling and prevention of such violent and delinquent behaviors.
The special tribute was extensively communicated through Mothersblog.gr's SoMe accounts, allowing the audience to participate and interact on this serious social issue.